Mars Astrobiology

"If there is life on Mars, I believe we should do nothing with Mars. Mars then belongs to the Martians, even if they are only microbes."  

— Carl Sagan


Adam Robinson

Microbiologist | Astrobiologist

Hi, I'm Adam!

I am a researcher with the Astrobiology and Space Biology Lab at the University of Florida and the Planetary and Exobiology Research Lab at the University of California, Los Angeles. Presently, I am working on my PhD as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow through the UF Space Life Sciences Lab facility at Kennedy Space Center. My research has focused on growing salt-loving microbes in Mars-like conditions to understand more about the possibility of finding life on Mars. 

At the Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories, I am a Biological Defense Coordinator and serve as Principal Investigator for the Tampa Bioterrorism Response Laboratory. As part of the CDC Laboratory Response Network, we serve as a statewide resource for public health entities and law enforcement agencies to monitor for the presence of highly infectious and potentially lethal biological agents.